I know that between my 8 month old and my husband my house can get pretty cluttered. So here are some tidy up tid bits to keep you sane and help keep the your clutterbugs at bay.
1. Problem: The toys always seem to be in a mess on the floor of your living room, room, etc.
Tidbit: Use inexpensive bins ( I got this one from the $ store) to put the toys that he/she plays with the most in the rooms he/she plays in the most. This makes for a quick pick up if someone is just dropping in or for just everyday pick up. Also this teaches the kids that the toys have a propper place and they get picked up after they are done.
you can try this with your husbands stuff to but hopefully you don't have to. We haven't quite gotten to that point yet, hopefully i won't ever have to do that with my husband. :-)
2. Problem: Clothes, toys, shoes etc get left down stairs (or upstiars whatever your house is set up like) where they don't belong and your constantly having to take things up and down.
Tidbit: while the exercise might be nice there is a simple solution to this problem. we have a tote on our main floor that gets filled with things that are supposed to go upstairs. So you can throw the babies change of clothes or socks or whatever into the tote and at the end of the day, week, month, whenever you feel the desire to take it up, you end up taking one trip and don't have to hunt around for everything its right there in the tote. Also this makes it a little easier when you take it up you can put things away room by room without ever dropping the tote.(my tote was a wedding gift but i saw them in a Wal-mart ad around the super bowl being used as an ice tub i think they were like $4.)
3. Problem: The keys, sunglasses, extra sets of keys chapstick are never where i left them.
Tidbit: This one is nothing new. but a new way maybe to make it part of your decor. I don't personally like key racks i think they look like a big mess. So at my house we have a spare key/ car stuff basket that sits on our shoe shelves in our entryway. You never have to worry about where they are it blends in perfectly with the decor and its right next to the door so your not running up to another room to get your chapstick or gum before you leave the house its right there.
4. Problem: The mail is always a mess on my counter filled with junk mail and i just don't want to sit and go through it.
Tidbit: Place a garbage can somewhere before you get into the house that you go by when you bring the mail in. For me its in the garage I have a garbage can by the door to the house from the garage for this very purpose. This way you get rid of the Junk before it ever gets in. ( The garage garbage is also great for the car garbage. if you take it out of the car when you get out and put it directly in the garbage you don't have to mess with it again. This has saved my car)
5. Problem: Your DVD Collection Takes up to much Space and because of this your DVD's end up all over the house.
Tidbit: I just read about this and its sounds like a great space saver! You can use dvd binders and put your DVD's in according to genre. Cartoons, action, comedy etc... this way you can just put the folders on a bookself end table or just slide them in next to the tv. saves the space and could possibly be a conversation starter at your next party.
when i started i really only had 2 ideas but i didn't think it was right to just to a bullet list with two points so i stretched it to 5. Hope they help.
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